Posted in cross-stitch, WIP Wenesday

WIP Wednesday

I’m pretty sure today is Wednesday, I’m having a hard time keeping track of the days recently. The other night I was trying to figure out what I could get to help me see the months and what I needed to do each day and realised I’d reinvented the calendar…

Anyway, in knitting I have just been working on my Boxy, no pictures because it looks exactly the same but longer. I think I have about an inch to go before splitting for the front and back. Still haven’t managed to pick up and knit the neckband of the red jumper, hopefully soon.

I meant to post last week so this is where I was at with the cross stitch then.

I spent the weekend catching up on hockey matches (my main team I knit while I watch, my second team I cross stitch and look at the tv when the commentator gets excited). So this is where I am now.

I think there are about 3 more flowers and a few leaves and then I’m done. I already have the next one ready to go, mainly because I started it then abandoned it as the printer had made it all blurry and the symbols were impossible to read. Really enjoying cross stitching right now so hopefully I will use some of the mountain of patterns I’ve accumulated!

Something to say?