Posted in cross-stitch, FO

Sweary Cross Stitch Finishes

Cross stitch is definitely my current craft obsession, I’m really enjoying working on them and organising my projects and supplies. My brain really enjoys all the steps from buying the threads to winding them up and crossing off each part of the pattern as I go. I will show what I’ve currently got on the go soon but here are the 2 that I have finished.

This is the one I have shown progress on. I really like it and have a frame ready but need to get around to washing and ironing it first.

This second one I had done 2 letters and 1 flower on before putting it aside for some unknown reason. Once I picked it up again it only took about a week to complete.

I haven’t got a frame for this one yet.

Both of these have mistakes and messy stitches here and there but hopefully it’s not too noticeable to anyone else! The patterns are from Etsy and I have a load more from buying patterns on big sale discounts. The juxtaposition of pretty florals with swearing just makes me laugh so I’m looking forward to having these on the wall.

Time to get back to my current project!

Posted in cross-stitch, WIP Wenesday

WIP Wednesday

I’m pretty sure today is Wednesday, I’m having a hard time keeping track of the days recently. The other night I was trying to figure out what I could get to help me see the months and what I needed to do each day and realised I’d reinvented the calendar…

Anyway, in knitting I have just been working on my Boxy, no pictures because it looks exactly the same but longer. I think I have about an inch to go before splitting for the front and back. Still haven’t managed to pick up and knit the neckband of the red jumper, hopefully soon.

I meant to post last week so this is where I was at with the cross stitch then.

I spent the weekend catching up on hockey matches (my main team I knit while I watch, my second team I cross stitch and look at the tv when the commentator gets excited). So this is where I am now.

I think there are about 3 more flowers and a few leaves and then I’m done. I already have the next one ready to go, mainly because I started it then abandoned it as the printer had made it all blurry and the symbols were impossible to read. Really enjoying cross stitching right now so hopefully I will use some of the mountain of patterns I’ve accumulated!

Posted in cross-stitch, WIP Wenesday

WIP Wednesday

The jumper is slowly growing, I’m onto the second ball and the last increase repeat. There’s not enough of a difference to show you. Another thing I’m working on slowly is cross stitch. I did quite a bit of cross stitching years back but stopped after I managed to give myself eye strain. I am now fitted out with reading glasses, an enlarged pattern on my iPad and a very bright light so things are going better.

My adhd purchasing obsession of late has been cross stitch patterns, primarily with swear words. I’m all for dopamine decor and things that make me laugh so I intend to frame lots of these, if I manage to stay interested in making them (patterns don’t have an expiration date and I only buy stuff that’s on sale).

This is the pattern, bought from Etsy.

And this is how far I’ve gotten.

Still a long way to go and I’ve managed to skip a row already but the aida is so small that it’s not worth picking it out. I’m really enjoying working on this and want to keep the momentum going. We’ll see if my varying attention span agrees.

I bought some garment patterns and fabric in the sales (both from small businesses) and I’m thinking about sewing again, maybe that will translate to actually making something soon.