Posted in cross-stitch, FO

Sweary Cross Stitch Finishes

Cross stitch is definitely my current craft obsession, I’m really enjoying working on them and organising my projects and supplies. My brain really enjoys all the steps from buying the threads to winding them up and crossing off each part of the pattern as I go. I will show what I’ve currently got on the go soon but here are the 2 that I have finished.

This is the one I have shown progress on. I really like it and have a frame ready but need to get around to washing and ironing it first.

This second one I had done 2 letters and 1 flower on before putting it aside for some unknown reason. Once I picked it up again it only took about a week to complete.

I haven’t got a frame for this one yet.

Both of these have mistakes and messy stitches here and there but hopefully it’s not too noticeable to anyone else! The patterns are from Etsy and I have a load more from buying patterns on big sale discounts. The juxtaposition of pretty florals with swearing just makes me laugh so I’m looking forward to having these on the wall.

Time to get back to my current project!